Click on the link and scroll to viewJunto Às Cabras
Stefanie Live at Zentrale
Blinding Clarity EP (DARQ DISTRO)
Live for Novas Frequências Radio Show
Conversations About Language
Falha Comum - Rio de Janeiro New Music
Festival Novas Frequências
A Palavra do Outro - Museu de Arte
Moderno de Buenos Aires
Agir Nervoso EP (GOWPE)
Classic Change (WOW Remix) [BURACO]
Include Yourself (SELFDROP REMIX) [Gop Tun]
VA Fazedores de Som 13° Vol
Giros - Delírio Records - Volume II
Anedota Social
Recordings of conversations as the main material used in Conversações. In the Project, the supposed linearity of a talk is destructed, making it not systematic and far from a sense. Those recordings dialogue with drawings of low frequency sound waves whose speed varys.